Women’s Sacred Dance

shannon ryan, energy medicine practitioner

Sunrise Yoga SadhanaA Women's Movement Sanctuary

Through the ancient and healing practices of yoga, qigong, belly dance, and shamanic trance, we enter into the inner sanctuary, within the temple of our bodies, where we may access our true feminine essence and divine potential. Together we create a safe and nurturing container where we may explore the movement of this essence through our bodies and beings.  We will drink of and direct this nourishing nectar for use in healing, purification, rejuvenation, awakening, manifestation, and self-empowerment.

The class begins with meditation, qigong warm ups, and yoga to fine tune the sacred instruments of our bodies and heighten sensory perception so that we may begin to harness and perceive the subtle essences that we will be working with. We are then guided deeper into the dance using movements that will continue to open and awaken the flow of energy through our feet, hips, heart, and spine.

We will explore moving in tribal unison as cells of one organism, as well as dropping into solo medicinal dance journeys guided by the teacher within.
